Virtual Terminal Payment Processing

A virtual terminal is the link merchants need to accept credit card and ACH payments online securely and efficiently from their own computer. Constant Processing offers an easily accessible virtual terminal through Transaction Express®, our front-end payment platform.

A virtual terminal can be used to process credit card and ACH transactions from any computer with Internet access anywhere in the world, allowing you to securely and efficiently handle a series of additional tasks including the verification, reporting and processing of credit card and ACH payments.

How Transaction Express Works

Transaction Express

With an Internet merchant account from Constant Processing, you can use your computer’s web browser, an Internet connection and a USB credit card swipe reader to log into the Transaction Express secure website and perform a variety of functions, including:

  • Process swiped retail credit card transactions
  • Manually enter mail order/telephone order (MOTO) credit card transactions
  • Manually enter ACH transactions using one of the following Standard Entry Class Codes: PPD, CCD, WEB or TEL
  • Receive authorizations responses
  • Generate receipts
  • Issue refunds to a customer’s credit card or ACH Account
  • Capture previously authorized transactions
  • Store credit card or ACH payment information in a customer wallet for future billing
  • Set up automatic customer billing for recurring charges
  • Confirm transaction status
  • Upload batch files
  • Access, create and save a variety of standard and customizable reports

Shopping Cart Integration

Virtual shopping carts allow visitors to your website to choose items for immediate purchase or to be stored for later purchase. Virtual shopping carts facilitate the collection of billing address, shipping address and payment information to be processed by the Transaction Express system, which can be integrated with Shopsite, SEO Cart, Zen Cart and OS commerce carts.

shoppiing carts

Transaction Express Features

Transaction Express delivers 24/7 U.S.-based user support, secure technology, QuickBooks®  Desktop (optional) compatibility and PCI compliance — all in one payment gateway that lets you accept major credit cards, signature debit cards and ACH.

The Transaction Express electronic payment system supports a multi-user environment, so additional users can be created and registered in the virtual terminal by the merchant account administrator. Additionally, a single user can be granted access by the administrator to more than one merchant account as long as the accounts are related.

Transaction Express’ multi-merchant environment allows the grouping of related merchant accounts and access via a single login at no extra cost — a real boon to merchants who have diversified their business, operate out of multiple locations or plan to expand their business. Seasonal merchants can also benefit from Transaction Express since the account can be placed in an inactive state during the off-season to help reduce operating costs.

Secure and Versatile

Transaction Express is a fully PCI-compliant and PA-DSS-certified payment application. It’s also versatile, supporting both multi-merchant and multi-user environments. Related merchant accounts can be grouped and access allowed through a single log-in; additional users can be granted access to the virtual terminal at the discretion of the merchant account administrator.

Virtual terminals take credit card and ACH processing beyond landlines and into the 21st century, and Constant Processing leads the way with Transaction Express. If you have questions about virtual terminals in general or Transaction Express in particular, fill out the form on this page and a Constant Processing consultant will be in touch to give you the answers.

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