Secure Payment Processing

Security is the foundation of all electronic transaction processing. Constant Processing prides itself on being first in electronic payments, so we’re committed to keeping you and your customers safe from the very real threats of credit card fraud and identity theft.

Our approach to secure processing is proactive and comprehensive. It includes:

Fraud & Protection

Fraud and Protection

Secure payment processing helps keep you, your business and your customers safe from fraudsters and thieves.

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 Breach Protection

data breachConstant Processing is committed to keeping our network invulnerable to data breach threats.

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Industry Regulations

regulatory compliance

Let Constant Processing keep you up to date on the rules governing credit card processing.

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emv card reader

The U.S. is catching up with the rest of the world by adopting payment cards with microchips.

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near field communications

Near Field Communications enables ApplePay, Google Wallet, and other “contact-less” payment technologies.

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PCI Compliance

PCI Compliance

PCI compliance is critical to ensuring secure payment card processing.

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